
How I hacked my first router

How I Hacked My First Router I have never found a real vulnerability in the “real world” before. I was just playing CTFs and Wargames. One day I was looking through our old stuff, and I stumbled up on this router the ZTE - ZXDSL 831C II, and had heard before that this router has a vulnerability. So I thought this would be the perfect chance. I set it up and started pwning.


Pandoc Have you ever wanted to write a document, but you hate using applications like MicroSoft Office, Libre Office, Google Docs, or anything of the sorts. Do you want to write your documents just like you write codes, with your code editors perk. I for example use vim and I would have loved, if these application supported vim bindings. Well look no further, you can just use pandoc. Pandoc is a command-line app which can be used to convert a document of any type to any other type.

Remap Capslock to Escape and Ctrl

Remap Capslock to Escape and Ctrl In this post I’m gonna be showing you how I remapped capslock to ctrl when you hold it, and esc when you tap it. The need for this comes from people using window managers, or keyboard driven text editors like vim, and emacs or just you use the ctrl key a lot and you hate the weird motion you have to do to get to it.

Screenshot with Markdown and Vim Using Scrot

Screenshot with Vim In this post I will show you the easiest way I could come up with for taking screenshots and inserting them to a markdown file while taking notes using Neo(vim). The title maybe confusing as I couldn’t come up with a shorter title myself. If you could come up with a shorter title please contact me. I faced this problem while I was taking notes through my playing of CTFs and doing pentests.