
My name is Omer Abdulaziz, and I’m a Software Engineering Graduate From Addis Ababa Science and Technology University, I’m a wannabe hacker, I like fiddling around with computers. My main focus is on binary exploitation I like playing CTFs specially those targetting binary exploitation, I also like backend engineering, systems programming.

Programming languages I know

I mainly use only two languages, I will list them below. Although I do have some experience with other language I will not bore you with them. I recently started learning Rust, and I’m really enjoying. I wrote a simple date conversion tool using Rust you can check it out here.

The C programming language

C is by far my favorite programming language. It’s fast, easy to understand , and real beautiful.


Python was one of the first languages I learned. I really like it because you can prototype ideas real fast. That’s why most of my exploits are written in Python

Contacting me

You can send me an email through omerabdi@pm.me. Or you can contact me on Telegram at @ibnbiz. You can find me @th3_librarian on twitter.


Operating System

I’m currently using Artix Linux with runit as the init system and service manager. I’m using Artix because it is simple, and minimalistic.

Window Manager

I use dwm as my window manager with patches from the suckless site and some custom patches of my own. You can check my custom build of dwm on github.

IDE and/or Text Editor

I use (neo)vim as main text editor to write anything from taking notes to writing documents and write code. I combine (neo)vim with tmux to give me that IDE like environment. I like this set up because it is really simple and minimalistic.